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Our certified nursing assistants (CNAs) provide invaluable support with bathing for seniors. They assist with all aspects of bathing, including helping seniors get in and out of the bath or shower safely, ensuring water temperature is appropriate, and offering support for balance and stability. CNAs also provide personal hygiene assistance, such as washing and drying the senior's body, hair, and ensuring all areas are thoroughly cleaned. They maintain privacy and dignity throughout the process, fostering a comfortable and respectful environment. With their expertise and compassion, CNAs help seniors maintain personal hygiene and promote skin health.

White bathroom interior


Our certified nursing assistants (CNAs) are instrumental in providing essential grooming assistance for seniors. They offer support with various grooming tasks, such as brushing and styling hair, shaving, nail trimming, and oral care. CNAs ensure that seniors' personal grooming needs are met with dignity and care, promoting hygiene and self-confidence. They assist with selecting and applying appropriate toiletries and cosmetics, enhancing seniors' appearance and helping them feel their best. CNAs also help with dressing and ensuring that seniors are comfortably and appropriately attired. With their compassionate and skilled assistance, CNAs help seniors maintain their personal grooming routines, fostering a sense of well-being and enhancing their overall self-esteem.


Meal Prep

Our certified nursing assistants (CNAs) play a vital role in assisting with meal preparation for seniors. They collaborate with the seniors and their families to create nutritious meal plans that align with dietary restrictions or preferences. CNAs help with tasks such as chopping, cooking, and serving meals, ensuring that seniors receive nourishing and balanced food. They also assist with feeding, if required, and monitor seniors' food and fluid intake. CNAs create a safe and comfortable environment during mealtimes, offering companionship and support. With their expertise and compassion, CNAs help seniors maintain adequate nutrition and promote their overall well-being through proper meal preparation and assistance.



Our certified nursing assistants (CNAs) play a crucial role in assisting seniors with dressing. They provide personalized support, ensuring that seniors have appropriate clothing that is comfortable and fits properly. CNAs assist with selecting and putting on garments, taking into account any mobility limitations or physical restrictions. They offer gentle assistance with fastening buttons, tying shoelaces, and securing zippers or Velcro closures. CNAs also respect seniors' choices and preferences regarding their outfits, empowering them to maintain their personal style. With their compassionate and attentive care, CNAs help seniors maintain independence and dignity while ensuring that they are dressed comfortably and confidently.

Bathroom Tiles


Our certified nursing assistants (CNAs) provide essential support with toileting for seniors, ensuring their comfort and maintaining their dignity. They assist seniors in transferring to and from the toilet or commode, taking into account any mobility limitations or need for assistive devices. CNAs help with clothing adjustments and provide any necessary assistance with personal hygiene, such as wiping or cleaning. They respect seniors' privacy and independence as much as possible while offering reassurance and supervision to ensure safety. With their compassionate care and sensitivity, CNAs help seniors with toileting needs, promoting their well-being and maintaining their personal hygiene.

Dish Washer

Light Housekeeping

CNA’s (Certified Nursing Assistants) can help with light housekeeping tasks in several ways:

1. Tidying up: CNA’s can help keep the living space clean and organized by picking up clutter, folding laundry, and putting away items.

2. Dishwashing: They can help with washing dishes, drying them, and putting away the clean ones.

3. Bed-making: CNA’s can change bed linens, fluff pillows, and make the bed to ensure a comfortable and hygienic sleeping area.

4. Garbage disposal: They can empty trash bins and dispose of waste properly to maintain a clean and odor-free living space.

It is important to note that while CNA’s can help with light housekeeping tasks, their primary role is to provide personal care and assist with activities of daily living for individuals in need of medical support.

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